Delayed Surface Marker Buoy Diver
Boats and currents are two common factors associated with many dive sites. Boaters don't always recognize that divers are in the area and current can carry you further than expected. Launching a delayed surface marker buoy (DSMB) before you surface can alert others to your location in advance of your ascent. Adding another layer of safety, you can also use the DSMB line to complete your safety stop, which is advantageous in a current or when there are no other visual references. Take this course to learn about all the beneficial uses of a DSMB.

Skills you will learn:
Preparing and stowing your DSMB and reel
Deploying the DSMB from a stationary position and from mid-water
Swimming while towing a DSMB and managing the reel and line
Making a safety stop using the DSMB line
And more!
Open Water Diver
At least 12 years old
Completed Diver Medical Form

Course Requirements:
Knowledge Development - This will be completed in the classroom with us. Contact us to sign up.
Open Water Dives - This specialty requires a minimum of 2 dives.
Cost: $150
-- This cost includes in-classroom learning. If you prefer eLearning, there is an additional fee.